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School Visit

School Visit 

The school visit component will provide Australian host schools and teachers with opportunities to internationalise education, share pedagogical practice, build intercultural capability, and develop meaningful relationships with educators from Indonesia and connect to a broader network of teachers and students in the region. For Australian schools that offer Indonesian, this is a fantastic opportunity to enrich their language and culture program. 


At School 

The Indonesian teachers have received a bulletin outlining all aspects of the program and have been asked to start preparing three 40-minute (approx.) lessons that can be easily repeated across different classrooms and age levels. These lessons may be related to their individual curriculum area or about Indonesia, for example, famous sites in Indonesia, Indonesian food, history, or letters from students for future exchanges etc. We encourage you to discuss these with your Indonesian counterpart and advise what would be most useful for your school. 


During their visit allow your Indonesian guest to observe classes, take them on a tour of your school, give an overview of the curriculum and generally provide them with a broad experience across the school, rather than being confined to just one class (see the sample program below). 


The key activities your Indonesian guest would like to participate in during the school visit are to: 

  • observe classroom practice 

  •  participate in a range of meetings such as curriculum, leadership and/or staff meetings 

  •  deliver 1-2 lessons based on discussion with you (this might be a whole lesson or just partial, and could be introduction about themselves or Indonesia generally; culture/ art/ food/ activity/ game, depending on what the both of you decide to be appropriate) 


Meeting with the School Principal 

In the past, visiting teachers have appreciated being given the opportunity to meet with their host school’s principal. Therefore, if it is possible, do arrange a time for them to meet (see the sample program below).

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